I'm actually scared shitless to even post this and it's going to keep me up at night. The one thing i fear in life more than anything other than maybe AIDS is baldness. I don't have any kind of a problem with baldness on other people. It just wouldn't work on my head. So i will never, ever, make a joke of any kind about a bald person. Because i feel that if i do, karma will come at me in the night and strip me of my locks. I have nothing but respect for bald men because i am quite pathetic in my fear of hair loss. You see if somebody with a nice shaped head who looks good with a skinhead looses their hair, they really have nothing to worry about and therefore they are better than me. A hairless head is not a bad thing, as long as it's a good solid shape. I mite have a reasonably shaped head, but i don't know because I've never shaved it and i really don't want to find out, as i fear I'll end up looking like Nosferatu or something.
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