Many thanks to Dominic at Voodoo village (one of my favourite blog things, go and see it) and Vice for showing me where to get this soundtrack and maybe teaching me how to download from blogs (once I've checked it out properly). Yes I'm pathetically late catching up with stuff. I was the last one to get teletext a megadrive and the Internet, i still don't have any kind of plasma TV.
Track list:
01 - Barry DeVorzon -Theme from The Warriors
02 - Arnold McCuller - Nowhere to Run
03 - Kenny Vance & Ismael Miranda - In Havana
04 - Mandrill - Echoes in my Mind
05 - Barry DeVorzon - The Fight
06 - Joe Walsh - In the City
07 - Genya Ravan - Love is a Fire
08 - Barry DeVorzon - Baseball Furies Chase
09 - Johnny Vastano - You're Movin' Too Slow
10 - Desmond Child - Last of an Ancient Breed
no pass
The file was originally on this blog-
'artist/band' + 'album' + 'blog' along with 'rapidshare' + 'film/tv series' are the 2 greatest discoveries this year, I think im gonna watch 4 episodes of Cheers right now.
that just opens up a whole black hole of downloading to me, i'm gonna try and get some terrahawks to see just how fucked up them things really were
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