I love America and the people, so i'm not dissing your country, there's loads of shit stuff about the UK aswell. It's just i was wondering what the fucking heck is this? I found it on a USA website saying it was a classic American dish??? It looks like a fucking afterbirth man.
What is it?
Im gonna go with turkey and mashed potatoes, but definitely a bad batch.
i have been living in Philadelphia, and kept eating a truly monstrous dish, this... http://www.rudyjsdiner.com/images/food_staff_032.jpg
a hot turkey sandwich with gravy on it! I got it from an Amish diner (they are not the nice people you would imagine).
BTW After the first one I tried, I started ordering it sans gravy on the sandwich. The waitress looked at me like I requested it with fried watermelon and burnt cocks.
I am going to write about the whole Amish thing soon.
Turkey diced up and smothered in gravy... doesn't look too appetizing
that is a beast of a sandwich videotime, although i would love to try it. Looking forward to the Amish lyrics
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