Saturday 17 January 2009

Would you?

I was just wondering would any straight male out there be into this? Yeah she's 'famous' for all the wrong reasons (having a cunt for a brother and a cunt for a girlfriend) but i don't really give a shit about that. Her djing skills probably amount to her turning up and pressing shuffle, but i'm just talking from a visual point of view, would you? Because for some reason i'm feeling the androgynous looks and her anemic, class room nerd gangly stance. I don't know for sure, but i suspect these hardcore lesbians have pretty unkempt bushes, and i also fear she may have some kind of over masculinised clit-dick , which just developed from her high levels of testosterone and uncontrollable lust for females. But i like her shoes and every man likes to think they'd be the one male a lesbian would swing for.


2SHIN said...

I'd totally bone her dude.

Conroy said...

sorry for copying your whole blog concept with this post, but i love it

2SHIN said...

Nar man, the world needs to know that it's okay to wanna fuck ugly bitches.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Oh man. I'd managed to forget Chyna's bizarre anteater-clit.

Re : SaRon. Honestly, yes. Gangly and geeky boyish waif chicks do something for me and every man wants to be the one who converts an actual real lesbian to the pleasure of cock.

JIRO said...

Honestly, who is she, she looks like a cunt!

Conroy said...

i've been reading too many girls magazines, i wish i didn't know who this was. it's lindsy lohan's girlfriend